
Manic Panic Shocking Blue

I will begin my review by saying that I had very high hopes for this product. The pictures I found online of people who had this color looked so wonderful! Now, the problem may be that I didn't bleach it well enough to begin with, while the top of my head was very light, the bottom was still a light blondish. That doesn't account for all of the problems, though.

I had waited about a week between bleaching and dyeing to give my hair a break. I used 1 pot of Shocking Blue- it took a while to work it all in, but I managed (there was only one pot left in the store I went to). I wrapped my head up in plastic wrap and a scarf, and let the dye soak in for about 14 hours.

Now, what you won't find online is how much of a fucking mess this shit makes. I had to bleach the counter top because I waited a full three seconds before I wiped it off. And then there was a giant smear dyed onto it. I'm just glad the counters were white so I could bleach them.

For the dye itself- don't get me wrong, I love the color, it's just not what I was led to believe. For example:
See the light purple in the front? Shocking? Yes. Blue? No.
The lighter spots near my scalp aren't actually light blue, they're more like turquoise. They look greenish.
This blue is pretty much what I thought I would be getting all-over.
But the ends are completely purple.

Don't get me wrong here, I like turquoise. I like purple. But I wanted blue.

Messiness- 5/5, this is the single messiest hair color I have ever used. I waited a few days before I shampooed it, and I had to keep it in a scarf when I slept, because it got all over my pillows. And there is a giant ring in the shower from the dye that I still need to clean up.

Expected color- 2/5, which is, incidentally, the amount of my hair that came out the expected color.

Awesomeness of color- 5/5, not what I was expecting, but still freaking awesome.

Would I recommend this to anyone? Yes, if you don't mind the mess and the chance it'll be purple.

Would I by this again? I'm on the fence. I wasn't sure if one pot would be enough, so I got a pot of Rockabilly Blue also, and I will be using that when I need to redye.

Expected color- 1/5, after a second wash, almost my entire head is purple
Would I buy this again? No. I want blue, not purple.

Now that I think about it, when you put eggs in blue dye too long, they turn pink as well. I now believe that I had the dye in too long, so bare that in mind when reading this review.


Greetings people of the interblag.
This thingy-whosits that I am attempting to create shall be a most whimsical journey of getting off my lazy ass and actually doing something for once.

But why,” you decry, “would you want to do that when there is online shopping and malls from which you can purchased your every need (plus some), without ever having to do anything for yourself?”

I answer thusly, through pictures:

Stupid. Not clever in the slightest. Insult to people with brains.

Kinda makes me wanna throw up.

No. Just no.



This… I actually like this. Why don’t they make some for men?

(Do I get bonus points for picspamming on the first post?)


Well then,” you huff,  “Why are you calling it a review if it’s DIY?”

Elementary, dear Watson.
You see, I am not so awesome (yet) to create everything from absolute scratch. I will be using patterns. I will be using tutorials. I will probably be using generous amounts of cat gifs to spice things up a bit. (Or not. I haven’t really decided yet.) So I will be reviewing things like that. And anything I order pre-made things from. Wobsites I like. Anything I think that the highly educated masses that my readers should be would like. Hell, I may even throw in random things and make you peoples review them.

Fine then,” you start, running out of argumentative steam, “but who the hell is QueerCat?”
Silly boopsies, it’s me!

(And no offense to you weird people that like that type of clothing (except any hipsters that ended up here. You should all jump off of a bridge, because not jumping off a bridge is very mainstream) I just have no interest in those kinds of... things.